‘No Stone Unturned’ for U.S. screenings

The film “No Stone Unturned,” which investigates the Loughinisland Massacre, will be shown over the next few days in Rockland County, NY, Philadelphia, Washington, D.C. and New York City where there will be a screening on Tuesday, March 6, 7.30 p.m. at the Cantor Theatre NYU, 36 East 8th St. between 5th Avenue and Broadway. Emma and Clare Rogan who lost their father/husband Adrian at the Heights Bar in Loughinisland will be in the U.S. for the screenings. Tickets can be purchased on the eventbrite website: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/no-stone-unturned-screening-and-qa-with-alex-gibney-tickets-43351497496

