St. Patrick’s Day has come and gone and to date there has been no white smoke from the White House regarding a new U.S. envoy to the North peace process.
By Ray O’Hanlon
The continued absence of a U.S. envoy to the Northern Ireland peace and political process is a matter of major concern to the Ancient Order of Hibernians.
And in the context of Brexit - the process leading to which was triggered by the British government last week – that concern has only heightened.
The Hibernians, in a statement, said they were “extremely concerned” regarding the effects that the Brexit initiation will have “for the people of the island of Ireland.”
In this regard the AOH said that they were repeating their call for the appointment of a U.S. Special Envoy to Northern Ireland.
And that call is being directed straight at the White House and President Trump.
Said the statement in reference to the start of the Brexit process: “Ms. May’s decision to trigger Brexit against the backdrop of the current political crisis in Northern Ireland, where recent elections have failed to produce a government, highlights Britain’s continued tone deafness as regards her oldest colony.
“The root cause of the failure to form a government in Northern Ireland is the continued prevarications in dealing with government mismanagement, securing justice for the victims of legacy issues, and the repeated failures to honor commitments that promote parity of respect for elements of identity such as the Irish language.”
Continued the statement: “This same culture of evasion is also seen in the British government's inability to define how Brexit, specifically the matter of borders, is to be addressed in Ireland.
“To formally invoke Brexit without first defining a plan to address its implications in Northern Ireland is counterproductive and further increases the risk to a fragile peace process.
“The U.S. brokered Good Friday Agreement is one of America’s great diplomatic achievements, ending proportionately one of the bloodiest conflicts in history.
“That achievement is now in jeopardy of being squandered with the premature triggering of Brexit.
“In this context, the Hibernians renew their call for the president to appoint a Special Envoy to Northern Ireland to help ensure that not only the gains of the Good Friday Agreement are protected but that its full promise is realized.”
And the statement concluded: “The Hibernians know Irish history far too well to not realize that the well-being of the people of Ireland has never been a priority with Britain until the U.S. shows an interest.
“If America is to be great again then it is time for America to lead again in Northern Ireland.”