King loyal to his party’s conservative base

By Ray O’Hanlon

Long Island congressman Peter King was the most prominent activist Irish American Congressional Republican politician at the just concluded GOP convention in Cleveland.

Come to think of it, he was the only one.

Others with Irish names, such as House Speaker Paul Ryan, don’t cut it when it comes to “activist.”

King has been active on Irish issues since long before he arrived on Capitol Hill.

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He was in Dublin earlier this year as part of a congressional delegation taking part in the 1916 centenary commemoration.

He was named the Irish Echo’s Irish American of the Year.

These days, King’s attention is mostly fixed on the global terror threat, and the security of the American homeland.

As such, he is often to be seen in media interviews dealing with national security, threats to it, or delivering reaction to the latest terrorist attack overseas.

Being close to New York City, America’s media capital, ensures that King is often included in the reaction lineup.

Being an elected congressional Republican in New York helps too.

He doesn’t have many GOP counterparts competing for airtime.

Always quick with a line, or a strongly worded opinion, King spent the past week delivering online reports from the convention floor.

He was standing with the New York delegation when it put Donald Trump over the top in the national delegate count.

But how does he feel about Donald Trump, now his party’s anointed presidential candidate?

That’s not quite as clear as King’s feelings about Senator Ted Cruz, who would get three thumbs down from King if he had a third thumb.

And while King is lining up behind the Trump candidacy, and has endorsed him, it should be remembered that back in the thick of the primary fight he endorsed Florida’s Senator Marco Rubio over his fellow New Yorker.

But that was then and this is now.

King sent this from the convention floor on Tuesday evening: "Dramatic night as Donald Trump goes over the top to receive the Republican Presidential nomination on the first ballot.

“I have had differences with Donald Trump on several issues but I have endorsed him not only because he won 37 states and the overwhelming majority of delegate votes, but because I agree with him on key issues such as: national defense, homeland security, Supreme Court appointments and support for our police.

“Most importantly, Donald Trump will provide leadership to America after the failed administration of President Obama.

“Back at the hotel after the convention, I saw Suffolk GOP Chairman John Jay Lavalle who was talking on the phone with Donald Trump.

John handed me the phone and I congratulated Donald who was in great spirits. He said he is particularly looking forward to the first Presidential Debate which, was announced yesterday, will be held at Hofstra University on Long Island on September 26th. So Donald Trump is already thinking beyond today and looking toward tomorrow. Fasten your seat belts!"

That endorsement aside, King’s passions as his party gathers for the battle against the Democrats seem to be defined at least as much by his antipathy towards Ted Cruz than his support for Donald Trump.

After Wednesday night’s proceedings, which included the Ted Cruz speech that ended with no endorsement for Trump from the Texas senator, King opined thus: "Last night's session of the convention demonstrated the very worst and the best of the Republican Party.

“The worst was Ted Cruz who showed America that he is a fraud and self-centered liar who disqualified himself from ever again being considered as a Presidential nominee.

“This is a man who signed a pledge to support the nominee of his party and was given the opportunity by Donald Trump to address the National Convention and then refused to honor his pledge.

“This is just the latest in Ted Cruz's career of narcissism and shameless self-promotion. Ted Cruz is the worst. Eric Trump and Mike Pence represent the best.

“Eric Trump described his father in real and meaningful terms showing why Donald Trump should be the leader of our country.

“My good friend Mike Pence gave a truly outstanding speech accepting the nomination for Vice-President and made us all proud to be Republicans.”

King is certainly keen on fellow Irish American Pence, who is seen as the ticket’s conservative bulwark.

Wrote King: "Donald Trump's choice of Mike Pence as his Vice-Presidential running mate was a wise and thoughtful decision.

“I worked with Mike during the 12 years he represented Indiana in the United States Congress and saw firsthand how hardworking and conscientious he was.

“Mike was always a thoroughly decent guy who studied and examined issues very carefully and deliberately. Though we were from different regions of the country, Mike and I agreed on many issues--particularly on national defense, foreign affairs and combatting Islamist terrorism.

“After his time in Congress, Mike went on to be a very successful Governor of Indiana. Mike will be a terrific campaigner and an outstanding Vice-President. I am proud to endorse Mike Pence.”

Pete King is up for re-election in New York’s Second District in November.

Despite his staunch conservatism King has, over the years, consistently attracted votes from independents and even Democrats in his district which covers parts of both Nassau and Suffolk counties.

Party affiliation aside he is a hard working nuts and bolts congressman.

King supports Trump, but if past patterns on Long Island repeat themselves, he doesn’t necessarily need The Donald’s coattails on election day.

Indeed, those very coattails could well be two edged in more ways than one in this most extraordinary general election year.

