It’s a long long way from Clare to here…..


by Áine Ní Shionnaigh

Lyrics that perhaps pass through Lorcan Shannon’s mind as he zigzags his way out of the morning madness of Grand Central and traverses a bustling Byrant Park to his new office ‘The Law Offices of Lorcan Shannon’ high up on the 39th floor of a midtown skyscraper that accommodates more persons than his native Co Clare.

Lorcan was born and raised in Doolin, a charming small seaside village on the northwest coast of County Clare on Irelands Wild Atlantic Way. Set against the rugged Atlantic Ocean and surrounded by the spectacular bare limestone landscape of the Burren, Doolin is renowned the world over as a place of breathtaking beauty and is a haven for traditional music.

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Lorcan is a graduate of National University of Ireland, Galway and Duke University School of Law. He holds a Bachelor of Law (LL.B) and a Master of Laws (LL.M). He is also admitted to practice law in the State of New York and is a member of the American Immigration Lawyers Association. Speaking about the launch of his new business, he stated “I’m delighted to announce the opening of my Law Offices here in New York. I have been practicing in Immigration Law for 5 years so it felt appropriate at this time to open my own firm. I am really looking forward to being able to continue to provide for my clients at my new location. We deal with applications from all over the US and the Irish community are always are the heart of our business, so we are thrilled to be able to continue our personalized service under the advocacy of the Law Offices of Lorcan Shannon”.

Lorcan has joined a long tradition of renowned Irish lawyers, many of them from the West of Ireland, making their mark here in NYC. When I meet Lorcan, he displays that typical West of Ireland trait, on the surface, an extremely laid back relaxed attitude which fails to conceal a sharpness of intellect, knowledge and an eagerness and ability to solve the most complex issues that I have encountered previously. He is without doubt one to watch.

Law and the quest for fairness and rights is a tradition of the Irish which has been enhanced and embedded in tradition by successive generations going back to the Brehon laws. The name Brehon derives it’s name from the Irish word Breitheamh which is derived from Breith, meaning “judgement”. The Brehon Laws of Ireland are among are the oldest known European laws. The Brehons of ancient Ireland were wise men of the family who memorized and applied the laws to settle disputes among members of the family. They are the compilations of generations of learned Irish. The Tudor lawyer John Davies described the Irish people with respect to their laws: “There is no people under the sun that doth love equal and indifferent (impartial) justice better than the Irish, or will rest better satisfied with the execution thereof…”

The Law Offices of Lorcan Shannon, a boutique immigration law practice based in New York City, officially opened last week. The full service immigration firm offers a personalized approach on all immigration matters countrywide in order to guide clients through the immigration process. The expertise of the office will encompass non-immigrant and immigrant visa solutions for clients from various industries and backgrounds and will specialize in providing immigration counsel to entrepreneurs, investors, specialized employees and multinational managers from a range of industries as well as artists, performers and athletes.

The Law Offices of Lorcan Shannon has also formed a strategic partnership with boutique commercial litigation law firm, John Murphy & Associates. Mr. Shannon is Of Counsel to John Murphy & Associates and provides expert immigration advice to an array of corporate clients on behalf of the firm. Like the Law Offices of Lorcan Shannon, John Murphy & Associates combines cutting edge expertise with transparency and personal service.

The Law Offices of Lorcan Shannon will routinely provide expert advice and assistance on O-1, E-2, E-3, L, H-1B, H-3, J-1, F-1, K, TN, and B visas, as well as immigrant visas. Mr. Shannon regularily gives talks and seminars on visa options to the Irish Community around the State of New York at various locations including the Irish Consulate. He will also be attending the Select USA Investment Summit in Washington DC this March to give advice on immigration matters.

The Law Offices of Lorcan Shannon are located at 1450 Broadway, 39th Floor, New York, NY 10018. Please contact Ph: 646 237 7262 or see for further assistance on all immigration matters.

Teideal: Is bealach fada fada ó Chláir go dtí seo ... ..

B’fheidir go dteann na focail seo trí aigne Lorcan Sionainne nuair ata sé ar a bhealach amach as Staisiun Grand Central agus trasnaíonn se thar Byrant Páirc Byrant chuig a oifig nua 'Oifigí Dlí Lorcáin Sionainne' ard suas ar an urlár 42ú de foirgneamh ard ait ina bfhuil dócha níos mó daoine ná a dúchais gContae an Chláir.

Rugadh agus tógadh Lorcan i Dúlainn, sráidbhaile cois farraige a fheictear beag ar chósta thiar thuaidh Chontae an Chláir in Éireann. Socraithe in aghaidh an Aigéan Atlantach garbh agus timpeallaithe ag an tírdhreach aolchloiche iontach lom na Boirne, tá Dúlainn cáiliul ar fud an domhain mar áit áilleacht thar bharr agus is tearmann é do cheol traidisiúnta.

Is Lorcán céimí de chuid Ollscoil na hÉireann, Gaillimh agus Ollscoil Scoil Dlí Duke. Tá Baitsiléir Dlí (LL.B) agus Máistir Dlíthe (LL.M) aige. Tá sé abalta dlí a chleachtadh sa Stát Nua-Eabhrac agus is ball den Eagraiocht Dlíodóirí Inimirce e. Ag labhairt mar gheall ar seoladh a ghnó nua, dúirt sé "Tá mé thar a bheith sásta a fhógairt go bhfuil oscailt mo Oifigí Dlí anseo i Nua-Eabhrac. Bhí mé ag cleachtadh i Dlí Inimirce feadh cuig bliana agus bhraith sé oiriúnach ag an am seo a oscailt mo ghnó féin. Tá mé ag súil go mór le bheith in ann leanúint ar aghaidh a chur ar fáil do mo chliaint ar mo shuíomh nua. Déileálfaimid le hiarratais ó gach cearn den Stát Aontaithe agus an pobal Éireannach atá i gcónaí i gcroílár ár ngnó, mar sin tá athas an domhain orainn a bheith in ann leanúint ar aghaidh lenár seirbhís phearsantaithe faoi abhcóideachta na n-Oifigí Dlí Lorcáin Sionainne ".

Glacann Lorcan páirt den traidisiún fada dlíodóirí cáiliul na hÉireann, go leor acu ó Iarthar na hÉireann, ag déanamh a rian anseo i Nua Eabhraic. Nuair a bhuailim le Lorcan, léiríonn sé an trait tipiciúil sin o Iarthar na hÉireann, ar an dromchla, dearcadh ‘laid-back’ ach roimh an dromchla sin ta intleacht gear aige agus ta eolas agus díocas agus an cumas ceisteanna a réiteach is casta go bhfuil mé a bhíonn roimhe seo . Tá sé gan amhras ar ‘cheann chun féachaint.’

Is é an dlí agus tóraíocht ar cothroime agus ar chearta traidisiún na hÉireann atá feabhsaithe agus leabaithe i traidisiún ag na glúnta a chéile ag dul ar ais go dtí na dlíthe Brehon. An t-ainm Brehon, eascraíonn an t-ainm ón bhfocal Gaeilge Breitheamh atá díorthaithe ó Breith, a chiallaíonn "breithiúnas". Is iad na Dlíthe Brehon na hÉireann i measc na dlíthe is sine i Eorpach ar eolas. B’iad na fhéineachais na hÉireann ársa fir ciallmhar an teaghlaigh a chruthu na dlíthe chun díospóidí a réiteach i measc bhaill den teaghlach. Is iad chnuasach na nglún de fhoghlaim na Gaeilge. Rinne an dlíodóir Tudor, John Davies, cur síos ar mhuintir na hÉireann i leith a gcuid dlíthe: "Níl aon duine faoi na gréine a doth grá cothrom agus ceartas níos fearr ná an Ghaeilge, nó eile níos fearr sásta leis a fhorghníomhú ..."

D’oscail na hOifigí Dlí Lorcáin Sionainne, cleachtas dlí inimirce siopa atá bunaithe i Nua-Eabhrac, an tseachtain seo caite. Cuireann an comhlacht inimirce seirbhís iomlán cúrsaí an cur chuige pearsanta ar gach inimirce na tíre d'fhonn do chliaint a threorú tríd an bpróiseas inimirce. Beidh an saineolas na hoifige a chuimsiú neamh-inimirceach agus réitigh víosa inimirceach do chliaint ó na tionscail agus ó chúlraí éagsúla agus beidh speisialtóireacht i soláthar comhairle inimirce do fiontraithe, infheisteoirí, fostaithe speisialaithe agus bainisteoirí ilnáisiúnta ó raon tionscal chomh maith le healaíontóirí, taibheoirí agus lúthchleasaithe.

