Irish “Day of Action”

to help the residents of Rockaway who have been shattered by Hurricane Sandy, it will take place on November 24th the Saturday after Thanksgiving.

Designated work areas will be arranged in Rockaway.

The day is being coordinated by the Irish Consulate in New York

Buses leave promptly at 7AM. Assembly at these locations:

Aisling Irish Center, 990 McLean Avenue, Yonkers;

Emerald Isle Immigration Center, 5926 Woodside Avenue, Woodside

EIIC, 4275 Katonah Avenue Bronx;

New York Irish Center, 1040 Jackson Avenue, Queens;

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Grand Central Airport Bus Location, Park Avenue, (between 41st and 42nd Street.

Buses return from The Rockaways at 3PM.

***Volunteer Registration Open***

Please consider volunteering on November 24, 2012 for a day of Action to those still in need of help after Hurricane Sandy, organized in conjunction with coordination and assistance with community organizations and staff from the New York Irish consulate.

All are welcome to join our mobilization in the community to help. Also PLEASE pass the information along (post on Facebook, Twitter etc.) to anyone you think would be interested in helping, as there are many in our community still in great need of assistance.

Buses will leave designated locations at 7am and are expected to return @ 2:30 pm.

