A man and his two sons have appeared in court charged with the murder of a County Down man.
Philip Strickland (36) was found shot in his car near Comber on Wednesday night, Jan 11.
Jimmy Seales, a 54-year-old farmer from the Ballykeel Road near Hillsborough, is accused of killing Strickland and threatening to kill another man.
His sons, Jason Weir, 24, from Raffery Road near Killinchy and Ian Weir, 26, from Derryboye Road, Killinchy, are also charged with murder.
All three, who appeared in Newtownards Magistrates court on Tuesday of last week, are also accused of having a shotgun with intent to endanger life.
A detective sergeant said he believed he could connect the accused to the charge.
As they were led away there was an outburst from a man in the public gallery who shouted "youse are scum, cowards, big men."
The three were remanded in custody until February 14, this to appear again via video link.