NJ Hibs hold successful state convention

New York wasn't alone in holding a recent Ancient Order of Hibernians state convention.

New Jersey Hibernians concluded their gathering in Belmar and Spring Lake recently with the election of Sean Pender as State President.

The convention was chaired by Ray Barnes, who was assisted in the task by Nick Mullaney, Kevin Weldon and John Keane.

The theme for the convention was "One Island, One Ireland" and the gathering opened at the Friendly Sons of the Shillelagh hall in Belmar.

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At the start of business, Sean Pender was nominated for president by fellow Msgr. Crean Division member Malachy McAllister and seconded by his father-in-law Jim McLoughlin Sr., a Hibernian for over 50 years.

Other officers nominated for the 2011-2013 executive board were vice president Kevin Weldon of Monmouth, treasurer Sean Hughes of Bergen and secretary Bob Carr of Ocean county. The slate, which represented the four corners of the Garden State, was elected without opposition.

A number of successful state division programs were highlighted at the convention and presentations weregiven by Jim Shaw of Monmouth, who spoke about the "Polar Bear Plunge" which last year raised over $100,000 for Catholic Education, Gerry O'Rahilly of Mercer addressed the convention on the Gael Scoil program, which teaches children in Mercer County Irish history, language, sport and culture. The program's success could result in the state's first junior division, delegates were told.

Michael Breen of Bergen spoke about Mary's Gift, the 501c3 that he founded which promotes Irish language schools in the North of Ireland.

Sean Pender spoke about "Home for our Troops," a charity that the NJAOH hopes to help fund in 2011-2013. National Board members Danny O'Connell and Dan Dennehy also delivered informative presentations.

Recognized for their work were outgoing president Jere Cole and outgoing treasurer Jack Nosti. The prestigious Curtin and Torphy awards were bestowed upon state veteran's chairman Bernie Snyder, and outgoing secretary and past state president, Bill Young. National officers Dennehy, Cole and O'Connell installed the new board.

After what were felt to be fine presentations from divisions in Mercer and Gloucester County, Msgr. Crean MercerCounty was chosen to host the 2013 state convention.

In honor of the 95th anniversary of 1916, Monmouth County Division 2 member Brain Sloan read the 1916 Proclamation to close the business meeting.

The closing dinner was held at Doolan's Shore Club in Spring Lake. Mayor of Belmar and AOH member, Matt Doherty, welcomed all delegates, members and guests to the Jersey Shore venue.

Recognized for their support for a united Ireland at the dinner were State Senator Sean Kean and U.S. Congressman Frank Pallone. The featured speaker at the dinner was U.S. Sinn Féin representative Rita O'Hare, whothanked the New Jersey Hibernians for making New Jersey the first state to pass a United Ireland resolution.

Meanwhile, Mike Breen and New Yorker Kevin Haney, board members of Mary's Gift Irish Language Foundation, subsequently paid a visit to Belfast's City Hall to present a check to the city's Coláiste Feirste.

The Mary's Gift Foundation distributes earnings from donations to preschool, primary and post-primary schools where all subjects are taught through the medium of the Irish language.

The American visitors were shown around City Hall by the lord mayor, and former pupil of Coláiste Feirste, Niall Ó Donnaghaile.

The chair of Coláiste Feirste, Seán Mistéil, thanked Breen and Haney and commended the passion and hard work of everyone involved in Mary's Gift.

