50 0f the best

In this issue we pay tribute to fifty standout men and women whose working lives are dedicated to the safety and security of their respective communities and our society as a whole. That is no small task, more than ever in this day and age when those who wish us ill have at their disposal all manner of means and weapons.

But no matter how the bad guys arm themselves, they can never match the dedication, the honor, and the courage of those who stand up every day for the values that make our society a place that is governed by laws rooted in our common sense of justice.

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A close look at the nominees immediately tells the readers that under the overall the law and order banner there are many types of occupations and duties. Our list covers police officers, court officers, sheriffs, federal agents working for various federal agencies, prosecutors and judges.

But if they have one thing in common, and this stands out in every profile, it is that they have had a very distinct calling in life. It's a rare individual who casually sidles into law enforcement, or ends up wearing a badge or shield by accident or happenstance.

This is the second year that the Irish

Echo has honored a selection of nominees

who work in the law and order field. As

was the case last year, we have received

more nominations than we can handle

this time around. This is not just flattering

for our paper, but a reminder to our readers

of the very special story that is Irish America and its historical role in the protection of America.

The "Irish cop" is, for sure, an American staple. But, over time, the legacy of those early days Irish officers - often walking the beat in big city immigrant neighborhoods filled not just with newly arrived Irish but immigrants from the world over - has reached into every sphere of a profession that is continually expanding with changing times, challenges and technologies.

To that anonymous Irish cop, in a bustling American city long ago, we say well done; if only you could see what you started, what you handed down, what a legacy you gave birth to.

Once again it is time to celebrate that legacy. Congratulations to all our law enforcement honorees.

