Brian Moran

Brian Moran is dedicated to helping business owners achieve their objectives and to run better companies. With his three companies, Small Business Edge, Brian  Moran & Associates, and Bricks or Sticks, along with a global team of subject matter experts, Brian leverages 30+ years of experience in the small to midsize business market to assist entrepreneurs with everything from social media to accessing growth capital to expanding into the global marketplace. 

He can be followed on Linkedin and readers can listen to his regular small business podcasts via his website.

Moran sits on several boards of small business organizations and is a strategic advisor to business owners and entrepreneurs worldwide through his interviews, published articles and blog posts. He is a graduate of Marquette University’s School of Journalism.

Latest Stories

Brian Moran Small Biz Podcast: Belfast Brander on Road Less-Travelled
Brian Moran Small Biz Podcast: Belfast Brander on Road Less-Travelled
In the ever-evolving world of business and entrepreneurship, standing out is often a challenging and yet crucial task. Gregg Reid, the Co-Founder a...

