Impress Your Friends With Your New Found Verbosity

The richness, diversity and undeniable eloquence of the English language is something that many people take somewhat for granted. In everyday situations, we often revert to a more simplistic or even colloquial form of language to get our point across to friends and work colleagues.

Although this is not a problem in social situations with those you love and know well, it can be an issue if you are seeking to progress in your career, impress new clients, or perhaps speak publicly.

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It is at times like these that many people feel the inadequacies of their language skills. Whether it is in the written or spoken word, individuals often feel that there are times when they have expressed themselves publicly in a manner that they feel reflects poorly on them.

Of course, not everyone can possess the linguistic skills and general breadth of vocabulary of a well-known English doyen, such as Stephen Fry, but it is entirely possible to make significant and measurable improvements in both written and spoken forms of the language, regardless of your situation and current level of ability. This improvement of your language skills is readily achievable by attending one of the many high quality English language courses run across the UK.

The courses are run by qualified professionals and cater for a wide variety of skill sets, from learning the basics of language (in the form of a refresher course), to learning a little more about the occasionally strange and buzzword-laden language of the boardroom (via the courses available for executives and those in business).

Furthermore, it is possible to take general English lessons. These focus on how to improve communication skills and, via the use of authentic materials, accurately recreate situations from real life. This is particularly important for those students who may perhaps have floundered for words in certain situations in the past. These students will find that the course equips them with the necessary linguistic skills to express their point of view confidently and fluently.

In addition, there are specific courses run for the over 50 age range, which focus on improving the general level of English within the group, to practise and develop key language skills, as well as build upon existing vocabulary. As the teaching is centred on the individual needs of the pupils, issues such as demystifying some more modern phrases and terms, are proving to be popular for those learned citizens attending these courses.

Regardless of your age or situation, or whether you want to improve your linguistic skills for personal or professional reasons, the quality of the teaching in English courses in UK classrooms ensures that the students not only improve their skills in writing and speaking, but also improve their vocabulary as a direct result.

It is one of the most beautiful, yet occasionally confusing, aspects of the English language that the broad scope of words available to us means that we can communicate a particular idea, feeling or snippet of information in a variety of ways. While we tend to stick to the words we know, there are times when there is a real need to improve your vocabulary to avoid your communication seeming simplistic or repetitive.

Crucially, the skills taught on these courses not only empower you with a greater lexicon of words, but also teach you the (equally crucial) skills of not using redundant or repetitive words. This allows the individual to maintain the impact of your communication and does not obscure the underlying meaning of your words beneath flowery verbiage or unnecessarily complex semantics.

In short, you learn to say what you mean in a variety of clear, erudite and confident ways. These skills can be taught and learned quickly and before you know it, your friends and workmates will be amazed at the transformation, not only in your words, but also the confidence and variety of ways in which you deliver them.

