Saw Doctors return to U.S.

By Eileen Murphy

The Saw Doctors, one of my all-time favorite bands, is finally returning to the U.S. for a brief tour of the East Coast. The Tuam-based group, best known for hits like N17 and I Useta Lover and Hay Wrap and Macnas Parade and Exhilarating Sadness and Same Old Town and . . . (well, you get the idea), has made the leap into high-end digital technology. Not only is their back catalog (finally!) available on iTunes, but they also have their own iTunes app — and it’s free! So you can be on the beach, on the train, or on a Combine Harvester (well, maybe not on a Combine Harvester) and enjoy Saw Doctors videos, music samples, and blog updates. It’s a safe bet that Michael D. Higgins approves. Tour dates:
Friday, May 7: DETROIT, MAGIC BAG (Info: 248-544-3030,
Saturday, May 8: CHICAGO, MILLENNIUM PARK (Free Concert; info:
Sunday, May 9: CLEVELAND, HOUSE OF BLUES (Info: 216-371-3000,
Tuesday, May 11: NEW JERSEY, POLLAK THEATRE (Info:
Thursday, May 13: PHILADEPHIA, THEATRE OF THE LIVING ARTS (Info: 215-922-1011,
Friday, May 14 (Sold Out)_NEW YORK, THE FILLMORE NEW YORK @ IRVING PLAZA (Info: 212-777-6800,
Saturday, May 15: BOSTON, HOUSE OF BLUES (Info:
Sunday, May 16: PORTSMOUTH NH, THE MUSIC HALL (Info: 603-436-2400,
If you’re planning to go, get your tickets quickly - the New York date has already sold out, and the others won’t be far behind. For more info, go to

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